Monday, June 27, 2011

Harry Lunch

Quick sketch, Then fully realized ink thanks to an idea from my girlfriend Tammy.  She wanted to see Harry having lunch with the animals; I'm lazy, so here is Harry having lunch with a single animal.  Actually, to show Harry's nature (and add a little humor) he just can't say no to a hungry creature in need, so he is giving the Iguana his lunch.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Harry Handler sprite

Here is the first (and only) sprite I've done so far...and ever.  Using a beta prog called Pixen (which crashes alot and is buggy as hell, but free :) I finished this late last night.  I really like it, I can see alot of work ahead to get this game off the ground, but this was a fun and interesting process, so I'm motivated.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Harry Handler Characters

Ok, so I fought with myself whether to post this or not, and so far a friend and I from H.S. has been collaborating (or at least kicking the idea around) about developing an app for an ANDROID or comparable mobile device/smart phone.  He has the computer know-how and by default I have the artistic talent (we'll see how that goes).  I came up with "Harry Handler" a touch game based on our main zoo handler Harry.  Because this is a work in progress I hesitate to reveal too much to both of my followers' however, I'd hate to see this idea done by someone else and kick myself for not keeping a lid on it at least until I get further into the project...Like say, an actual game screen with pixels! Rest assured that I've played many a time killing app (my pod is bursting at the seams with them) and I think we have something here, or at least a jumping point.  Part of what sells an app are the character designs coupled with the game mechanics and addictiveness; SO here are my main characters so far.  Harry, the lead, Professor Kitten (the damsel in distress) and the antagonist Mortimer.  Yes, he's a super smart yellow gorilla.  DEAL WITH IT.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oni Akuma sketch

Got all psyched about Oni Akuma in SF4 Arcades.....did this horrible sketch : )